The race went well, and I was impressed by the number of people willing to run in 100 degree heat in Louisiana in June. Caroline ran the kids one mile race and she place second for girls, but I was most proud of the fact that she finished the race. She had to walk for a while because she was so hot, and I told her that she could stop if she needed to, she said, "No, I am going to finish!" She picked up running again and finished strong. Her perseverance impressed me more than her time; I think that dedication will serve her well in life!
The wedding was beautiful. Caroline came with us and she was enamored of the whole event. She thought the bride and groom were a princess and prince and she was very caught up in the fairy tale of "the wedding". We all had fun and it was great to spend time with Jeff's family.
In baby news, she seems to be doing well. She gave me a little scare today by sleeping very soundly for much of the afternoon. I'm used to her being a very active baby, but after I took some cold medicine today (something I never do - but this was doctor approved), I felt very weird and then a few hours later realized she hadn't moved since before lunch. The doctor had me come in for an ultrasound to make sure everything was fine and it took the sonographer about 10 minutes to wake her up. She said that our baby girl was just in a very deep sleep and after that I've decided that I'll just stick it out when I have a cold from here on out! We think we've settled on a name, but I'm feeling it out for a while before I tell the world, so hopefully soon enough I'll have a name to share!