Sunday, February 08, 2009


Yesterday the LSU Vet School had it's open house and we ventured out to meet all of the animals.  Caroline had a great time.  She got to feed a pig some carrots, which she thought was hilarious (and when we got home all she wanted for lunch was carrots).  She also got to meet some horses and pet a few goats and a Shetland pony.  We also got to meet and pet a bunch of dogs from different rescue and therapy projects - which was heartbreaking for us, so many precious dogs that need homes, just not THIS home.  The LSU Fire Dept had their fire truck out there and as always Caroline thoroughly enjoyed that.  Mike the Tiger also made an appearance, so we got to say hi to him too.  Charlotte was great, she slept in the Baby Bjorn the whole time, snuggled up next to me.  All of the excitement wore Caroline out and when we got home she told us she needed her nap and (after eating a few carrots) put herself to sleep.  

Caroline with the Shetland Pony

Letting the horse sniff her - or trying to get the horse to sniff her


Driving the fire truck

With the "famous" LSU poodle.  This family has another poodle with "Tigers" shaved into her fur, but we didn't a picture with that one.  These dogs are so soft and sweet - and much bigger than I think of poodles being.  

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