Thursday, September 02, 2010

One week

Camille turned one week old on Monday. The past week and half has flown by in a weird blur of time that includes lots of laughing and smiling, crying and soothing, late nights, naps, and then all that a week with Caroline and Charlotte would normally include. I'm happy that life is going on as close to normal as possible for the two "big girls" while Camille is getting used to life in the world. She is such a gift; I am thankful for her sweet and gentle spirit and her patience with me when there are two others girls in the house who want a little attention from me from time to time. We'll see how she's growing when we see the pediatrician on Tuesday and I'll be sure to give an update then! All seems to be going well though, she's eating and sleeping and even trying to stay awake for a little bit in between.

1 comment:

Allison Bussell said...

She is just beautiful and wonderful! I hope you are hanging in there. I know that you are handling it all so gracefully because that is just who you are. Much love, Allison