Thursday, July 21, 2011


How exactly do you come back from an unintended two month hiatus from writing and showing pictures of our life?

I'm not sure that I'll be able to catch everyone up on our summer in a respectable way.  Since I've last spent time typing out some semblance of a recollection of the story of our lives, we've had a wonderful summer vacation to the beach, lots of swimming at the pool, first swim meets, odd illnesses and maladies, visits with family, drama, dance, and Vacation Bible School, all mixed in with the usual menu of smiles, laughs, and tears (oh, and of course a little work thrown in so that Wells Fargo will stay happy).  Pictures and stories to come . . .

1 comment:

J Bussell said...

Wow, it appears you and I are in a similar boat. Hopefully I can stay on the wagon this time. Writing takes time and LOTS of energy from me since creativity and words on paper don't really come naturally. Words from my mouth, now that's a different story...